
Taxation without Representation - the Haudenosaunee vs. New York State

Sovereignty. Well, it's hard to believe that the word holds any water anymore within the city-state confluence of border towns that are reservations within America. Harder to believe still, when state governments insist on imposing taxation on sovereign Nations from the Haudenosaunee Confederacy. One of the issues in which America came to be was taxation without representation, and ironic again, various Haudenosaunee Nations sided with the colonials in their fight against the crown as taxation without representation was one of the issues for their dissenting view toward the crown. All the history and signed (Treaty of 1748, 1789, the Trade and Intercourse Act of 1790, and the Canandaigua Treaty of 1794, also know as the Pickering Treaty and the George Washington Covenant) treaties also seem to be incapable of holding any water in New York State. It's either that or the memories of the NYS citizenry and governing bodies are the most myopic memories in history.

In late August, the Tadodaho of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, Chief Sidney Hill, sent out a letter to the President of the U.S.A. concerning the issue of taxation and the utilization of force past and possibly in the present to enforce New York state's misplaced concepts of sovereignty in imposing their laws upon the Haudenosaunee. It's a sad time when NYC Mayor Bloomberg urges NYS Governor Patterson to take a "shoot-em up stance" toward untaxed Native cigarette sales. Racism and ignorance seem to be par for the course in American politics, not just today, but everyday.

Will Native sovereignty hold? Will it be respected? Will State governments recognize the countless treaties that are considered law of the land between the Native Nations and the U.S. federal government? It's a pretty dreary day when you see state agencies imposing a rule of law upon a sovereign nation considering the historical facts behind how "America" came to be . . . but like I mentioned, government and the American citizenry seem to be myopic when it comes to history and Others.

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